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About Us

At Answer Bag, our mission is to empower consumers through education in the areas of credit, loans, insurance, debt and personal finance. Whether you are looking to take out a mortgage or you are considering a payday loan, we promise to provide the thorough and up-to-date information you need to make the best choice for you and your family.

Who We Are

We’re your financial advocate, resource, and guide. We are a not-for-profit organisation that provides free and unbiased information on debt management, credit cards, mortgages, loans, and other products, allowing you to make smarter financial decisions. We also listen to your questions, stories, and experiences, which you can send to us by contacting us here.

Answer Bag is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 08916455.

Our Vision

We feel that each consumer should have a wealth of unbiased and objective information at their disposal when making financial or purchasing decisions. We strive to erase any ambiguity from consumers’ minds and prevent deceptive practices. Through our work, we hope to instill awareness and understanding of all financial aspects of your life.

Our Approach

We employ a three-pronged approach to consumer financial awareness:

  • Report:  We keep consumers apprised of the latest and most relevant news across all financial industries.
  • Monitor:  We actively review consumer complaints and industry trends to identify instances of abuse or deceptive practices.
  • Advise:  We provide free guides for consumers on many financial topics, such as loans, debt, and insurance.

Our goal is to ensure consumers are able to fully understand the benefits and risks of any financial product or service in order to make a more informed purchasing decision.

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